The Mice Templar Myth and Legend

The Mice Templar - ProphecyJust after Heroes Con I received an email from Bryan J.L. Glass offering me an exciting opportunity. Bryan (together with Michael Avon Oeming) writes The Mice Templar, a 24-30 page monthly comic published through Image Comics. Tim Daniel, who had been writing the Myth, Legend & The Mice Templar articles in the back of each issue had been unable to commit to the second storyarc of eight issues. Seven of these needed articles discussing the parallels between the story elements and real world myth and legend. Bryan threw the bone at me, being very upfront that this was not paying, and he needed it within a week. Bryan is full of energy and optimism that was infectious at Heroes Con, and it came through just the same in his email. I couldn’t refuse.

Leanne and I had accidentally left several books behind at the hotel in Charlotte. One was Mike Maihack’s Cow & Buffalo, the other two were issue #6 of The Mice Templar, and the Sketchbook with bonus story. So suddenly there was a mad rush to obtain new copies ASAP along with reference material for the myth side of the article in time to read AND then write the article. However, it was done. It was delivered. And it is history. So starting with issue #2 of the Destiny series, I’m a part of The Mice Templar team. What’s even better is that Bryan asked Leanne to provide the pinup to accompany the article. Leanne showed him two roughs for two different ideas. He liked both so much that he said he would print both if she could get them done in time (by this point just three days). Somehow, Leanne managed it, and so now, our first contributions to The Mice Templar series are accompanying one another. Aw, how sweet! :-) Thanks, Bryan!

The next batch of articles are some very interesting subject matter for me personally, just like The Mice Templar book itself. The first series “Prophecy” is now available to buy in trade and is a great way to jump in if you missed this ship when it first sailed in 2007. The first issue of the second series “Destiny” will be coming out on July 29th. I urge you to pick up a copy of Prophecy and get up to speed. Chances are high that you’ll enjoy it immensely!

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