John Amor’s interpretations of “Sovena Red”

I have just signed John Amor onboard as the artist for Sovena Red #1-3. John is a superb artist with a variety of styles and influences from cartoons to horror… my kind of guy! Living in the Philippines, John hosts his own comic news podcast, has his own webcomic, and has most recently completed working on an 8 page Zuda submission titled Jenny Strange. Check out his website, and if you’re in the position to do so, hire him!

You can view all of John’s character sketches here.

But, “what is Sovena Red?” I hope you are asking…

Sovena Red is a modern day fairy tale in spandex and a cape. Created and written by Rod Hannah. Art by John Amor.

Sovena Red (Soviet Era)For sixty years Russian born Sovena Red has been the world’s greatest super hero while trapped in the body of an eleven year old girl. Gaining incredible super powers on her eleventh birthday, Sovena’s godlike super strength, ability to fly, teleportation, and project energy blasts, came with one small snag… There was a hidden power that she only discovered as the years wore on. She had become immortal!

Since her eleventh birthday, Sovena has shown no visible signs of aging. Sovena’s physical body never reached adolescence and so she was denied teenage hormonal changes and the accompanying emotional development. Immortality has proven to be more of a curse than a blessing. Years of research by the brightest scientists in the world have yielded nothing. Sovena has seen her friends grow old around her. She has never truly been able to fit in. She has never grown up… and never been kissed (that’s worse luck than Susan Boyle!).

Like a fairy tale princess with magical powers, Sovena dreams of the spell being broken so that she can live her life like a normal girl.